As well as ‘open events’ for anyone in the Network, the following three groups are targeted towards the particular interests of their members. They are open to new members and plan their own activities with support and coordination from the Network Manager. They usually meet in the evenings with occasional daytime sessions as required. Contact the Network Officer for more information.
This group is aimed at helping people under 40 gain knowledge and skills, and enhance their prospects in farming. With growing numbers of people attending and leading members of the group being more self-assured. It gives younger farmers the space to ‘come out’ from under the shadow of older generations and form their own views. The group is developing its own momentum. It gives younger farmers greater confidence through exchanging views and being listened to by their peers and with event organisers and speakers. Membership is fluid and there is a strong social element so that members can get to know each other. The Network continues to develop this group, trying new methods of contacting people and new ideas for meetings and events and arranging suitably qualified training for them to access. Evening meetings have included: Feed Mill visit, British Wool Board, on farm visits with innovate ideas, farm walks and talks. The group boasts more than 100 members on the mailing list. The Network continues to provide placements for young people to gain professional experience, working in the Network office supporting the Network Manager. If you would be interested in our Work Placement opportunity please get in touch.
Tel: 01643 841455
Email: katherine
Office Hours: The office is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday with remote working on Tuesday and Friday. Due to nature of our work out in the field and office based please make an appointment before you visit particularly in relation to purchasing Exmoor Farms A Year on the Moor or call 01643 841455/ 07970 795808.
Copyright Exmoor Hill Farming Network
Registered in England & Wales No. 12151981
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Exmoor Hill Farming Network CIC
Cutcombe Market, Wheddon Cross,
Minehead, Somerset TA24 7DT