The Exmoor Hill Farming Network was established in 2014, as a successor to the Exmoor Hill Farming Project (2009-2013), to improve the viability and sustainability of Exmoor farming businesses through knowledge-transfer, peer-group support, training, and co-operation to safeguard upland farming, rural employment and landscape management. Following a review of governance in 2019, the Network Steering Group established the Exmoor Hill Farming Network Community Interest Company (Company No. 12151981) which took over the running of the Network from North Devon + in February 2020.
Our Vision for the Network is to provide the Go-to-Hub for Exmoor’s farming community, providing information, skills, support and inspiration. We will be:
To learn more about us, please click here
Farmer led and independent
Supporting circa: 450 farming businesses on Exmoor and Greater Exmoor
An email database of circa: 700 contacts
The network office is managed by Katherine Williams and assisted by Beth Heard as administrator,
both from farming backgrounds on Exmoor
During 2021, the CIC analysed the age profile of the people who participated in its training courses. As the pie chart on the right shows, two thirds of participants were under 40, which is considered important since it is this younger generation that will be taking responsibility for family business.
Objectives for 2021-2024
A: The Go-to-Hub for farmers on Exmoor
B: Income opportunities for Exmoor farmers – Environmental Land Management; Livestock marketing; and Natural capital
C: Health and Wellbeing
D: The Next Generation
E: Business support
F: Securing the Network’s future
Since its formation, the majority of the costs of running the Network have been met by grant funding from The Princes Countryside Fund and the Exmoor National Park Authority. In recent years, further project work such as the RDPE sheep scab project, Farms for the Future programme and locally-derived income (from member attendance and training fees, sponsorship and local fundraising) has become increasingly important as a source of funding.
Tel: 01643 841455
Email: katherine
Office Hours: The office is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday with remote working on Tuesday and Friday. Due to nature of our work out in the field and office based please make an appointment before you visit particularly in relation to purchasing Exmoor Farms A Year on the Moor or call 01643 841455/ 07970 795808.
Copyright Exmoor Hill Farming Network
Registered in England & Wales No. 12151981
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Exmoor Hill Farming Network CIC
Cutcombe Market, Wheddon Cross,
Minehead, Somerset TA24 7DT